Thursday, February 20, 2014

BOOK REVIEW: Out of the Frying Pan, by Robin Allen

Out of the Frying Pan
(A Poppy Markham Culinary Cop Mystery)
Author: Robin Allen
Publisher: Midnight Ink Books
Publication Date: July 8, 2013

It was pretty good. With an amateur sleuth in the form of a food safety inspector (but I like "culinary cop" better) and a murder that takes place on an organic farm, it satisfies the cozy mystery fan AND the wannabe foodie in me. And a lot of the characters are fantastic, particularly the socialite stepmother (whom I pictured as a slightly younger Lucille Bluth). But at times I felt like I needed the out of state translation guide. It seemed VERY Texas at times, with more references to college football than I could keep up with. There were entire passages I had to reread slowly just to figure out which things I needed to look up. This should not be a problem for people who know about Texas, American colleges, or sports, but I fit into none of those categories. 

Apart from being a little confusing (almost convoluted) at times, I'd give it a solid B+.

Disclaimer: I received a digital galley of this book free from the publisher from NetGalley. I was not obliged to write a favourable review, or even any review at all. The opinions expressed are strictly my own.


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